My Projects

Package Drone

See or the live demo system at

An open source, OSGi first software artifact repository.

Actually it is repository for all kinds of software artifacts (like JAR files, Debian and RPM packages, …) which can extract metadata, transform artifacts and render out different repository formats (like Eclipse P2, OSGi R5, Maven, APT, YUM, …).

Eclipse SCADA & openSCADA

See and

An open Source SCADA System. Most of the openSCADA project has been migrated to Eclipse SCADA but there are some modules which do not fit into the EPL based license platform which the Eclipse Foundation follow. So openSCADA now is like an “add-on” to Eclipse SCADA.

EMF GenModel Annotations

See EMF GenModel Annotations

A small page documenting the different EMF Annotations which are used in the GenModel process.

APT repository

See APT repository

A Maven plugin which can render an APT repository out of a set of .deb files during a maven build.

Maven RPM builder

See Maven RPM builder

A Maven plugin which can create RPM packages in plain Java. No rpmbuild command line tool required.

Log4J2 mock for Elasticsearch 5.x
