OPC UA with Apache Camel
Apache Camel 2.19.0 is close to is release and the OPC UA component called “camel-milo” will be part of it. This is my Eclipse Milo backed component which was previously hosted in my personal GitHub repository ctron/de.dentrassi.camel.milo. It now got accepted into Apache Camel and will be part of the 2.19.0 release. As there are already a release candidates available, I think it is a great time to give a short introduction.
Simulating telemetry streams with Kapua and OpenShift
Sometimes it is necessary to have some simulated data instead of fancy sensors attached to your IoT setup. As Eclipse Kapua starts to adopt Elasticsearch, it started to seem necessary to actually unit test the inbound telemetry stream of Kapua. Data coming from the gateway, being processed by Kapua, then stored into Elasticsearch and then retrieved back from Elasticsearch over the Kapua REST API. A lot can go wrong here ;-)
Developing for Eclipse Kura on Windows
Every now and then it is fun to leave the environment you are used to and do something completely different. So this journey take me to IntelliJ and Windows 10. And yes, I am glad to be back in Linux/Eclipse-land. But still, I think something rather interesting came out of this.
IEC 60870-5-104 with Apache Camel
Yesterday the release 0.4.0 of Eclipse NeoSCADA™ was made available. This release features a cool new feature, an IEC 60870-5-104 stack, written in Java, licensed under the EPL and available on Maven Central. See also the Eclipse Wiki: https://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseNeoSCADA/Components/IEC60870
Testing Kapua with simulated Kura gateways
Now you got your pretty new OpenShift setup of Eclipse Kapua and want to give your IoT cloud a test run?! Testing it out with 100 devices, just for fun? Or even more? But you are too lazy to flash 1000 SD cards for your Raspberry Pi cluster? Here comes the Kura simulator framework. ;-)