IAdapterFactory with generics
Now I have been working with the Eclipse platform for quite a while. If you do so, you already might have run into the “adaptable” mechanism the Eclipse platform provides (article on EclipseZone).
Programmatically adding a host key with JSch
This article explains how to programmatically add a host key in Java with JSch. I did update the article early 2018, taking care of the missing argument to the add
The curated Play Store / App Store
Dear Google,
every now and then I come up with idea of buying another game in the play store (yes, a mobile game, for Android). So I browse and browse and finally give up again. The main entry views give me a few promoted items, which mostly are uninteresting as a game, the top lists show games which I already checked out the last time, or already bought, the recommendation show hardly any interesting games. The same is true for non-game apps (I wouldn’t always call them productive apps ;-) ).
What is so easy with a standard JEE setup becomes quite painful using OSGi. Although there are very interesting projects and approaches like OSGi enRoute, Pax Web or Equinox JSP (and probably a few more), taking a step beyond “Hello World” starts to get quite painful.
Package Drone – what' next?!
Every now and then there is some time for Package Drone. So let’s peek ahead what will happen in the next few weeks.
First of all, there is the Eclipse DemoCamp in Munich, at which Package Drone will be presented. So if you want to talk in person, come over and pay us a visit.