Searching for lyrics in Google Music

Dear Google,
as a subscriber of Google Music I often search for music I listened to in the past. In many cases I do know the title, artist or sometime the name of the album.
Calling from Google search

Dear Google …
… I just did a search for some business an Google and actually the first hit and the suggestion box on the right side is the perfect match for what I was looking for. The info box contains all the relevant information, including the phone number, which is a clickable link.
Maven Tycho/JGit based build timestamps and the `target` directory
Now when you build OSGi bundles using Maven Tycho, you probably ran into the issue of creating a meaningful version qualifier (remember, an OSGi versions always is major.minor.micro.qualifier
, so no dash and definitely no -SNAPSHOT
There are a few approaches ranging from fully manual assignment of the build qualifier, simple timestamps and timestamps based on the last Git change.
Safer surfing for kids – My wishlist
At some point my son will start surfing … the web. Now as with all other things, I’d like to protect him, but I also know, there is nothing like a 100% security, neither in real life, nor in the internet. The main task for me, as a parent, it so prepare him. I’d like a bit of technical help though. Here is my list of wishes.
A bit of Java 8 Optional<T>
For me Java 8 wasn’t a big deal … until I had to go back to Java 7. Suddenly I started missing things I started using without even realizing it. Here comes Optional<T>: