Test driving "Mattermost" at the Eclipse Foundation

Thanks to @bruncedric and the Eclipse Webmasters we were able to quickly start a test of Mattermost at https://mattermost-test.eclipse.org.
“Mattermost” is a Slack/HipChat/… like web messaging system (aka webchat). I don’t want to go into too much detail of the system itself, but the main idea is to have a “faster-than-email” communication form for a team of people. Comparable to IRC, but more HTML5-ish. It also features a REST API, which can be used to automate inbound and outbound messages to the different channels.
Parsing RPMs in Java

The core idea of Package Drone is to extract meta data from files and generated some sort of repository index. And although Package Drone’s main focus is on OSGi, we did want to implement a YUM repository adapter and for this we needed to extract metadata from RPM files.
The ConPanion
While preparing for EclipseCon Europe 2015 (a few weeks back I have to say, it was a great conference) I again wanted to a have a small mobile helper. So instead of forgetting (again) about it, this time I briefly wrote it down. So here it is.
You left your phone!
Dear Google,
Today it happened again. I left my mobile phone at home. I realized that before entering the train, so I went back, grabbed it and went back to catch the next train. This gave me a few minutes to think about that ;-)
Java 8 streaming – or not?
One of the most advertised use cases of the new lambdas in Java 8 is the possibility to stream
collections and transform it. The “series of tubes” has a lot of examples on how to do this, I just wanted to look at it from a different perspective, readability.