Releasing "Package Drone 0.0.1"

A package repository for Maven Tycho, OSGi and all the rest.

Itch: I want to have a software repository where Maven Tycho can deploy to and P2 can read from. Also I would like to re-use this repository as an OBR or OSGi R5 repository, and possibly as Maven repository.

Scratch: Package Drone, version 0.0.1

Now there already is the Nexus Repository and the Nexus Unzip Plugin. However this essentially uploads a full P2 repository ZIP file and uses Nexus as a plain web server, hosting that zipped P2 repository.

Instead I would like to not only have a P2 repository, but also an OSGi R5 repository, based on the same OSGi bundles uploaded. I would also like to upload bundles created by the Maven Bundle Plugin, or BNDtools. Also would I like to make a full, Maven like, release using Tycho and later host this as a Maven 2 repository. Now package drone is not quite there yet, but the basic Tycho Deploy -> P2 Consume workflow already works to some degree.

Package Drone is hosted on github and there is a small readme and wiki.

Be warned, this is alpha quality software. If it works for you, fine. If not please help me fix it!