Name that pattern

In my day-to-day work, I encounter several interesting programming patterns that I don’t have a name for. Maybe you have?! So name the following pattern:

if ( !trans.getWeights ().isEmpty () ) {
 final Collection<Weight> weightList = trans.getWeights ();  
 WeightVo weightVo = null;  
 for (final Weight weight : weightList) {
   weightVo = getWeightDao ().toWeightVo ( weight );  
 truckVo.setWeightVo ( weightVo );  

While one can argue if this one-liner is more readable and understandable:

truckVo.setWeightVo ( trans.getWeights().isEmpty() ? null : getWeightDao ().toWeightVo ( trans.getWeights().get(0) ));  

The following definitely is:

if ( !trans.getWeights ().isEmpty () ) {
 truckVo.setWeightVo ( getWeightDao ().toWeightVo ( trans.getWeights().get(0) ) );  