Package Drone – what' next?!

Every now and then there is some time for Package Drone. So let’s peek ahead what will happen in the next few weeks.

First of all, there is the Eclipse DemoCamp in Munich, at which Package Drone will be presented. So if you want to talk in person, come over and pay us a visit.

Also I have been working on version 0.8.0. The more you think about it, the more ideas you get of what could be improved. If I only got the time. But finally it is time for validation! Channels and artifacts can be validated and the outcome will be presented in red and yellow, and a lot more detail ;-). This is a first step towards more things we hope to achieve with validation, like rejecting content and proving resolution mechanisms. Quick fix your artifacts ;-)

Also there are a few enhancements to make it easier for new users to start with Package Drone. “Channel recipes” for example setup up and configure a channel for a specific purpose, just to name one.

Of course this is important since, with a little bit of luck, there will be an article in the upcoming German “Eclipse Magazin“, which might bring some new users. Helping them to have an easy start is always a good idea ;-)

The next version also brings a new way to upload artifacts. A plain simple HTTP request will do to upload a new artifact. While I would not call it “API”, it definitely is the starting point of exactly that. Planned is a command line client and already available is the Jenkins plugin for Package Drone. It allows to archive artifacts directly to a Package Drone channel, including adding some meta data of the build.

So, if you have more ideas, please raise an issue in the GitHub issue tracker.